I have been meaning to blog for a long while and have written several excellent pieces – in my head. Putting my thoughts on to screen seems to be the next logical step. The trouble is choosing which topic should come first. My main interest is Theatre. My main ambition is to work as an actress upon decent, challenging scripts. I am also of an age when I consider myself to be an “act-ress” rather than an “actor”; which is another subject altogether.
Yet are “theatre” and “acting” important enough in the great scheme of things to be the subject first blog? Surely I ought to be writing about the major issues within our society which provoke great emotions of anger or sadness or sheer incredulity within me?
Religion, for instance. I could rant about that for hundreds of pages with such venom that many might find unseemly. It seems to me that all religions have one thing in common: the subjugation of women. Thus I am always puzzled by those who ask me to support women who want to become priests, bishops, orthodox rabbis or, presumably one day, a pope. Why would any woman want to prop up an institution which has the basic tenet that their sex are inferior creatures who should be kept bare-footed and pregnant in the kitchen? Yes, I know, that this is simplistic and that by incorporating female ministers changes in attitudes may well occur but really isn’t it a waste of anyone’s time preparing for a mythical afterlife rather than making the most of this one? So that’s one blog I could write if I could be bothered.
Then, of course, there’s UKIP. As I get older I find I become less and less surprised. People can say to me, “You’ll never believe what happened,” and I will answer “Yes, I will.” because I have encountered completely bonkers situations that were I to suggest to a soap opera story editor I would get a response of ridicule. However: Nigel Farage! Oh come on, this chap is surely an April Food joke extended beyond its shelf life, isn’t it? Trouble is, deep down, I know that the rise of fascism in the Western World is no joke and that tribalism is human nature’s worst trait. A deep depression engulfs me whenever I glimpse a Daily Mail headline or overhear an uncouth rant.
Living in Central London, mixing mostly with intelligent people (yes, actors are generally a tolerant species) I have to remind myself that most people are rather unpleasant to put it mildly. Or are they? My daughter-in-law calls herself a misanthropist and I think I am almost one too; maybe I’m just a little more optimistic than she.
I am also a bridge player; a game that I find fascinating. I’ve been learning how to play it for over thirty years. I like my bridge club and most of the members therein. It’s also a great way to spend time with my husband; we never argue about bridge at home and, of course, my husband being a bridge director and teacher has meant that we have travelled a great deal working intermittently on cruise ships. I have thus visited about a fifth of the edges of the world which surely should be a wealth of blog material.
Other things that might excite me to write about are the Glories of London Life, Swimming, Hatred of X-Factor type shows, Love of Radio Comedy, Novels (life without a book on the go is like a life without chocolate), Playing In The Kitchen – am a recipe anarchist, Dieting and body image, Ageism – oh don’t get me started about that and most political bananas including this government’s inane fiddling with the NHS and the stupidity of nuclear waste.
So, anyway, three days late (I had a deadline of midnight last night to submit a short story for a competition and although it was eight minutes late, because time-management is not one of my strengths, am pleased it has been accepted for consideration,) I have decided to do the noblo whatever thing and write a short piece daily; probably.
ps – have just spell-chekced the above and the only word “it” dislikes is Farage!